Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I HEART...Wednesdays!

I  HEART...Wednesdays!
Everybody loves Wednesday, right?
The week's half over.  The weekend is on the way.
What's not to love?
Each Wednesday, I want to share something with you
that I absolutely love and can't live without! 
I don't know about you, but my kids tend to pick one food and stick with it awhile.  This is especially frustrating, because they don't eat that many different foods!  When they get "stuck" on a healthy one though, I usually try not to make a big deal out of it. 
That's why I didn't complain when Jewell decided to have caramel dip and apples for snack every day for two weeks!  (You will notice that caramel dip comes before apples.  That's no mistake.  And to be completely honest, I must admit that there is usually a slice or two of apple left, but she licks that caramel bowl clean!)
Well, Monday was a sad day.  No apples.  After I assured her that it was NOT all right to eat just the caramel, she came up with a brilliant idea.  PaPaw's Midnight Snacks!  PaPaw (a.k.a. my daddy) has been making these treats for many years, and I must admit, they are delicious.  I hadn't had them in a long time, and I had forgotten just how good they are! 

Now before you look at the ingredients and turn up your nose, remember two things: 1) Necessity is the mother of invention, and 2) sweet and salty together is ridiculously DELICIOUS!  You probably have these items on hand.  (Did I mention there's only three ingredients?  How simply is that?!)
PaPaw's Midnight Snack
saltine crackers
thin slices of cheese
(you must use block cheddar - no processed slices allowed!)
Preheat your broiler and move the rack to the lower third of the oven.  Place the saltines on the cookie sheet.  (You notice I'm not telling you how many to use here.  That's up to you.
Chef don't judge!)
Slice the cheddar into thin slices about the size of the cracker.  Place on top.
Take a regular-sized marshmallow and cut in half.
Place one half a marshmallow on top of each cheese slice.
(Don't sweat it if all you have are the little baby marshmallows.
Jewell says my SIL has used these before and they are almost as good.  Sorry, Aunt Clancy!) 
Place in oven under the broiler until the cheese melts
and the marshmallows start to turn golden brown.



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