Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It's NOT Back-to-School Time!

It's NOT Back-to-School Time!
Just a quick post for those of you who might not have started back to school yet.  Since this was our first year homeschooling, I decided that I wanted to start some new traditions that we could carry on from year to year. 
I was a little nervous as it got close to time for our local schools to resume.  TV was plastered with commercials about back-to-school sales.  There had been no shopping for new school clothes or supplies around our house.  (While that was good news for my budget, I was a little worried that it would make my kids a little blue and make them less than excited about our homeschool decision.)
When friends and cousins started getting letters from school welcoming them back and telling them about their teachers and upcoming activities, I found myself again a little worried and started reminded my kids about the fun stuff we would be doing in homeschool.  Gerald and I really wanted to do something that would help to ease our kids anxiety about changing "schools" and perhaps chase away the blues about not being with their friends on their first day back.
So we invented...
the First Annual NOT Back-To-School Day!
On Thursday, August the 8th, when everybody else was headed back to the classroom, we decided to have a fun, family day.  Gerald had taken the whole week off from work and we decided to take advantage of everyone else being in school!
We went to a matinee performance of the Percy Jackson "Sea of Monsters" movie...
and stopped for a bite to eat at Red Robin (yuummmm)!

The kids had fun and so did we!  And I think it made them feel a little special (if not somewhat sneaky!) to be out and about while everyone else was in school.
NOT Back-to-School Day will definitely be a recurring celebration for us each year.  I hope we can continue to add more special traditions as we go.  After all - that's one of the reasons we chose to homeschool!

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