Thursday, February 18, 2016

Red Velvet Cookies and A V'day Party Wrap Up

Today is just a quick wrap up of the Mother/Son Valentine's Day party from last weekend. If you've somehow missed it, click here and you can get caught up.


The menu was very "boy friendly", but we moms really enjoyed it, too.

Everyone loved this easy queso blanco dip.

Cube a one pound block of Velveeta Queso Blanco cheese and melt over low heat with a tablespoon of butter, two tablespoons of milk and a four ounce can of green chile peppers. This is not spicy at all - just full of flavor!

Our "sweets" consisted of fruit salad and red velvet cookies.

I mixed one large, drained can of Mandarin oranges with a small container of chopped fresh pineapple (you could use canned), a cup of fresh blueberries, three small diced Fuji apples and a cup of pomegranate seeds (you can find these in the produce aisle near the berries). Pour white grape juice over the top and stir. The juice keeps the apples from turning brown and gives it a deliciously tart taste.

The red velvet cookies weren't as pretty as I hoped, but they were delicious. And they were devoured! 

I was running short on time that morning so I didn't take time to make pictures. Here's the link to the pinterest site where I got the recipe. Her's were a lot prettier than mine! 

I will make these again, but here's how I'll change it. She said to make the dough and chill for two hours. I actually chilled it for about 2 1/2 hours, but next time, I'll probably make it the night before. My dough was not firm enough and it spread too much. They were also too soft to roll into balls.

Also - be sure to REALLY coat these heavily in the powdered sugar. I was afraid it might burn, so I didn't do it heavily enough. It does NOT burn, so roll, baby, roll! 

All of this aside, the cookies were great! We had one or two with the boys, then once they went to play, I made coffee and we, umm, well we enjoyed the rest of them!


I hate I've waited so long to do something like this for Brack and his friends. Before we ate, I sat the boys down and gave them a five minute crash course in etiquette. We talked about how to handle food we don't like, how not to pile our plates too high the first trip through the buffet, how to make polite table conversation and the importance of appropriate dress for a party. They tolerated it well, and did a great job at their first "formal" party!

I'm so glad these sweet boys are my baby's buddies. They're a great group of kids! And the best part is that their mamas are my besties, too! This group of homeschool mothers has become an invaluable support system for me - not just in schooling, but in supporting me, and praying for me without ceasing. I am blessed to have them as my tribe!

I'm so glad you stopped by my neck of the woods!
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1 comment:

  1. What a fun party idea! Love all the table decorations but the napkins are my favorite thing. Have you done a post on how to make your own napkins? That adds so much personality to a table setting.
