Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Spring Side Dishes - Carrots and Asparagus

Yesterday I gave you the recipe for the Chicken Piccata Pasta with Lemon Cream Sauce that I served for Easter. Today I'm sharing our Spring-inspired side dishes!

You can't have Easter without carrots, right? These carrots have orange zest and lemon thyme and are finished with a drizzle of honey.

Pencil-thin asparagus is my favorite, and these were so good! I drizzled them in EVOO and salt and pepper and then roasted them until the tops were crunchy. They were like asparagus fries!

Here's the entire entree...

While the asparagus is still banded, chop off the bottom stems. Rinse and and pat dry.

Toss with EVOO and salt and pepper.

I like "real" carrots so much more than the baby ones you find at the store. Peel carrots and then chop into 2" long planks.

Drizzle with EVOO.

I used the zest of one orange.

This is lemon thyme from my herb garden. Thyme is one of my favorites, and I have three varieties, I think. I thought the lemon thyme went well with the orange zest. Remove any woody stems then finely chop.

Add thyme, salt and pepper to carrots. Roast asparagus and carrots at 450 degrees for about 20 minutes. Halfway through, flip the vegetables. The asparagus came out first since it's not as thick.

Don't you dare think I burned my carrots! That color on them is what caramelizes them and makes them so good! I drizzled a little of the honey from my daddy's bee hives as a finisher.

Isn't that a pretty and Spring-like meal? Just perfect for our Easter dinner!

You can see my Easter tablescape here.

Tomorrow I'll share my dessert. Want a teaser? It has lemon - lots of lemon!

I'm so glad you stopped by my neck of the woods!

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