Thursday, April 7, 2016

What I'm Reading...March 2016

Early in March, I stopped in at Dollar Tree. I was in the book section buying a couple of Bibles to use in craft projects. (More on this later!) I started digging through the books and found several titles that caught my eye. Good thing, too. I got sick about two days later. I spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday in bed, and as a result, finished three of the titles. They were not my usual genre pick for fiction, but I really did enjoy reading something different!

"Jack 1939" is historical fiction with a pretty big twist. This book imagines that a college-aged John F. Kennedy serves as a spy for FDR during the year leading up to the start of WW2. It was really interesting, and I could imagine it happening! 

"Farishta" (Angel) is about a female American ambassador serving in Afghanistan. I learned a lot about Afgan culture as well as more about what ambassadors do. Good book.

"Moonlight on Linoleum" is a memoir, which I usually don't read. Actually, I didn't realize that's what this was because I just saw it recommended at the top by Sue Monk Kidd, a fiction author I have read. As much as I can tell, Terry Helwig isn't anyone famous. She just had a sad and extraordinary (not in a good way) childhood. She is an incredible writer, though. She writes from the perspective of herself as a child, but there's nothing childish about it. She was very perceptive growing up. Good, fast read, and it made me really appreciate people who come out OK, despite their upbringing. But it really made me appreciate my stable (if not boring) childhood.

I've heard several of my homeschooling friends mention this book lately, so I decided to order a copy. One of my friends says she reads it quarterly just to remind herself of the benefits of teaching from schole'. I have enjoyed this quick and easy read, and I am inspired!

I have been reading this book along with my 5th and 6th graders in our homeschool co-op book club. It's a great mystery, and it's full of puzzles and ciphers, too. The kids gave it two thumbs up, and so do I!

So that's what was on my nightstand during March. What have you been reading?

I'm so glad you stopped by my neck of the woods!

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