Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Beignets...A French Finale to a Cajun Meal

Jewell absolutely loved our trip to New Orleans earlier this year. She ate EVERYTHING we put in front of her! She tried lots of new things, and I was so proud of her. When her birthday rolled around, she asked for gumbo. I decided to stick with the New Orleans theme and made beignets for dessert.

I remember my mother making these when we were little, but she cut her's into small rectangles before frying. They were so good...even before I knew their fancy name!

Here's my favorite girl in front of Cafe Du Monde in New Orleans.

Do you SEE all that powdered sugar? Yumm...

Brack had his with frozen coffee. We ate here once each day we were in NOLA. Sometimes for breakfast, sometimes a late night snack. There are no rules!

I picked up a couple of boxes of the mix while we were there; although, I have seen it before at Winn Dixie.

Just follow the directions on the box. It's not difficult. I just wanted to show you how to cut them. I pulled out my Tupperware baking mat and rolled them to about 1/8".

I used my pizza cutter to slice the dough, and I was able to use the lines to keep them straight.

Have the dough ready then heat the oil. Have something to drain them on ready to go.

Powder them lightly as they come out of the oil, so it will stick. I then dusted them with a little more before serving.

This isn't the best picture, but it allows you to see how they puff up and are open in the middle. We served these with decaf coffee. They were delightful!

I'm so glad you stopped by my neck of the woods!

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