Monday, January 4, 2016

Red Hot Chili Poppers


Today I'm going to show you how I made these cute red hot chili poppers. I found the idea on Pinterest, of course! They really were simple. Everyone loved them!

You need green construction paper (or file folders like I used), green tissue paper, red crepe paper and candy. The rest you probably have around the house.

Begin by mixing your candy in a bowl. This is very important. Mix it before you start the project so you can sack as you go! I bought a total of eight boxes of candy at Dollar Tree. I got Hot Tamales, fruit flavored Mike and Ike's, and green apple Mike and Ike's. 

Take a dinner size paper plate and trace it on your file folder/construction paper. Fudge it up into the edges in order to fit two on each folder.

Cut them out. You don't have to be precise.

See how it didn't quite fit onto one side, and I got a flat edge? Doesn't matter. This won't be seen. Next, cut each circle in half.

I used my Scotch Automatic Tape Glider to fold each half circle into a cone. It's stronger than regular tape or glue. Technically, I guess you could staple it. Again, it's not going to be seen, really.

Three little strips will hold nicely.

Twist and roll it into a cone. Press down on the tape to secure. Yep, I really do think if I make these again, I will staple them.

Open up your tissue paper and cut it after the third fold. I left it stacked.

Cut that in half. Now you have more of a square shape.

Fill with candy. I used a little less than a 1/4 cup in each one.

Lay the cone on a square of tissue.

Fold up the bottom about half way up.

Fold left side over to the middle.

Begin to roll it to the right. I even used a little glue stick to seal this off here.

Twist the excess at the top. Doesn't have to be's a dried chili stem!

I went ahead and made them all up to this step.

Next, cut the crepe paper in strips equal to about 3 of the chili poppers. Use scissors to "fringe" the edges, but no more than halfway through.

I used my glue stick to apply a little glue along the top (uncut) part of the crepe paper.

Starting at the bottom, apply the fringed paper, working your way up from the bottom.

Seal firmly at the top. I then ruffled the fringe a little before putting them in my greatgrandmother's biscuit bowl. She would have loved these. She was quite a little chili pepper herself! I believe I got about twenty-two of these out of my candy. Probably would have made more, but like I said, I mixed the candy first. Maybe you should skip the step...

These looked so pretty in the middle of my table! I passed them around after supper, and everyone had a lot of fun figuring them out (just pull the stem off and pour out the candy)! I found hot tamales on the floor, in my couch and I even found an empty popper in the fridge. Still scratching my head about that one...

The pinner who shared this originally on Pinterest suggested changing up the colors to orange and green and making carrots for Easter! Cute, huh?

Check back in tomorrow, and I'll share the recipe for Apple Tortillas with you. Hum...Gerald and the kids are at Taekwondo and there may be one or two left in the fridge. Will you excuse me? I'd better go check. Wouldn't want them to go bad...

I'm so glad you stopped by my neck of the woods!
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