Saturday, February 27, 2016

Allison's 40th Birthday Party!

I got stuck was blessed with two younger brothers and no sisters. But - they both married wonderful women who have become more than best friends. They are my sisters!

Early in February, we celebrated Allison's 40th birthday with a surprise party for her at my parent's house.

We chose a simple country theme for the decorating. Barbecue sliders were the main course, so these blue checkered table toppers and jars full of daisies were perfect! We have tons of blue and white because of Faulkner, so we didn't have to buy anything but the flowers.

Mama found several pictures of David and Allison from high school. I think the top right one may be their first date - junior year. 

Don't they look like babies?! Everyone brought cards and put them in the basket.

I made my "famous" white cupcakes with cream cheese icing.

Everyone brought a dish. We pretty much brought all of Allison's favorites!

We had sooo much good food...

Husbands and kids were invited!

Allison's parents were there as well as her brother who was in town for the weekend.


We women all fit in the dining room...

and enjoyed the company even more than the food!

Allison is a crazy talented professional photographer. (Seriously - she is CRAZY and talented!) She hates to be in front of the camera, but here she is on the left with one of her besties from way back in high school.

We had a wonderful night celebrating this special lady! Tomorrow I'll share the recipe for my homemade barbecue sauce that I made to accompany the Boston butt sliders.

I'm so glad you stopped by my neck of the woods!
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1 comment:

  1. Happy 40th Birthday to Allison!
