Wednesday, March 2, 2016

What I'm Reading...February 2016

I really tried to spend my time wisely during the short month of February and knock out a few titles on my Goodreads "To Read" shelf. I'm pleased with what I read, and I'd like to share it with you today.

This book caught my attention while I was window shopping at Family Christian Bookstore for some possible future book club selections. "Raising Grateful Kids In An Entitled World" by Kristen Welch was a great book. I like her writing style - she's easy to read and even easier to relate to. Whether your children are "spoiled" or not, they are growing up in a society that tells them that the world owes them something. I don't want my kids to buy into that. I recommend this to parents of any age children. Never to early or to late to develop a heart of gratitude in our children. 

While I was at Family Christian looking for book club ideas, I found several titles by Amy Sorrells. I chose her book "Then Sings My Soul" for our next book club meeting. But I also saw this one. I ended up buying it off Amazon (hello, penny book plus $3.99 s/h!). To be honest, it was a little dark at the beginning, but in the end, I really liked it. (Think "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers.) It's set in Alabama and one of the title characters is named Anniston (next door to where Gerald was born and raised). 

Next, I dove into "The Hardest Peace - Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life's Hard". I remember my friend, Paige, telling me about this woman's blog a couple of years ago. This thirty-something mother of four battled (and battled and battled) terminal cancer. Her courage and grace is amazing. I especially got into the book around chapter six and it has really encouraged me to live each moment and breathe in every little bit of life - my kids, my husband, my family... It really helps to put things back into proper perspective.  She passed away in March of 2015. I don't know how I escaped reading this woman's blog while she was alive, but I'm glad I read her book.

"Dear Mr. Knightley" is Katherine Reay's debut novel. A blogger I follow listed this as one of her reads last month. If you are a Jane Austen fan, then this book is right up your alley. I'm not. So a few of the references (she quotes a lot of lines from Austen and other similar writers) went over my head. But I did enjoy the book. It was a good love story, as well as being a book about facing what haunts you and living life to the fullest, despite your past.

I finished up the month with "Unglued" by one of my best friends, Lysa Terkeurst. OK - she doesn't know we're best friends, but we should be. (Kinda like my friend, Jenn Brenn and Jen Hatmaker!) Lysa is one of my favorite authors. This girl gets me. She writes directly to me. In fact, sometimes, it's scary. I had read this one a while back, but let's just say, I needed it again. So worth the re-read.

So there you have it! My February reading list. What are you reading?

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