Thursday, May 11, 2017

Easy Sopaipillas

Today I'm wrapping up my Cinco de Mayo posts with a recipe for easy sopaipillas and the details on the rest of the meal. My kids love getting sopaipillas when we eat at our favorite local Mexican restaurant. This was the perfect end to a great at-home Mexican meal!

Easy Sopaipillas

Thaw one sheet of frozen puff pastry. This takes about 20-30 minutes at room temp. Keep it covered so it doesn't dry out. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Next I lined my baking sheet with parchment paper so I wouldn't have to add any oil or spray. Then I cut the pastry sheet into nine even pieces, then cut those in half diagonally. I spread them a little on the baking sheet to allow them room to puff up. I baked them about 12 minutes, until they were crispy and a light golden brown. While they were baking, I mixed a cup of granulated sugar with a heaping tablespoon of cinnamon in a large, deep bowl. As soon as I took them out of the oven, I tossed each one in the sugar mixture. I placed three pieces on a dessert plate and drizzled them with honey from my daddy's beehives. 

These were sweet, but light, and with a little decaf coffee on the side, they were the perfect finish for our Mexican fiesta!

You can get the recipe for the mole here. I first made it for my Mixing Bowls Cookbook Club last year. For this meal, I bought my rotisserie chicken on Monday. I picked the meat off the bones while it was still warm, then froze it. Thursday morning, I took it out and thawed it. I made the mole right after lunch and allowed it to simmer. I added the chicken about one hour before dinner. Yumm.

I had Gerald stop and get chips, cheese, and salsa from a Mexican restaurant on the way home. No need to reinvent the wheel!

We had a great time eating and talking. The kids enjoyed having their grandparents to themselves, and I loved that there were no phones or iPads at the table! Ole!

I'm so glad you stopped by my neck of the woods!

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